Goggles – They’re All Great but Which to Choose?

Lunettes de protection : elles sont toutes excellentes, mais lesquelles choisir ?

Des lunettes de protection ; ils sont résistants, ils nous donnent une visibilité ultime et protègent nos yeux, et ils sont peut-être les héros méconnus du monde aquatique. Alors que les trifonctions et les combinaisons de plongée obtiennent toute la gloire, les humbles lunettes sont très certainement un élément essentiel du kit dont tout nageur a besoin. Il est donc essentiel de choisir ceux qui conviennent à vous, à votre style ou à votre événement ; Il est temps de devenir geek en matière de lunettes et de trouver celles qui vous conviennent.

Pourquoi choisir les lunettes Zone3 ?

Chez Zone3, nous proposons uniquement d'excellentes lunettes, les différences résident dans l'ajustement, le style et l'objectif. Vous pouvez être sûr de trouver une paire qui vous convient parfaitement sans jamais avoir à faire de compromis sur la qualité.

  • Axé sur le confort

Chaque paire de lunettes Zone3 est conçue pour le confort dans l'eau. Vous ne devriez pas avoir à vous battre avec vos lunettes pendant votre baignade ; désembuage, clarification de l'eau, douleurs persistantes autour des yeux et sangles inconfortables, ces problèmes devraient appartenir au passé. Nous utilisons du silicone ultra doux qui est plus doux pour les orbites des yeux et des formes soigneusement conçues pour un ajustement encore meilleur pour aider à réduire ces ennuyeux « vous avez nagé, n'est-ce pas ? des marques de succion rouges qui apparaissent autour des yeux. La flexibilité et la douceur des lunettes Zone3 minimisent également le risque de blessures graves en cas d'accident lors d'une baignade ; que ce soit en piscine ou en eau libre.

  • Sans buée en standard

Mettez les techniques et les mythes de désembuage DIY derrière vous. Vous n'avez plus besoin de dentifrice, de crème à raser, de shampoing pour bébé ou de salive ; chaque paire de lunettes Zone3 est conçue avec un revêtement antibuée et une protection UVA afin que vous puissiez être assuré que vos yeux sont en sécurité, clairs et protégés pendant chaque baignade, que vous soyez à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur. De plus, vous serez totalement libéré des irritations causées par une application trop zélée de crème à raser ! Lorsque vous choisissez les lunettes Zone3, vous choisissez un kit sur lequel vous pouvez compter afin que vous puissiez économiser votre temps, votre énergie et votre concentration lorsque cela compte, pour chaque respiration et pour perfectionner chaque coup.

Quelles lunettes Zone3 ?

Venator-X : Pour la natation en eau libre et en piscine

Entraînez-vous et courez en eau libre ou en piscine, le Venator-X excelle également dans les deux. Une construction flexible optimise leur ajustement pour une variété de formes et de tailles de visage, garantissant confort et performances sans distraction. Disponible avec des verres polarisés, photochromatiques ou teintés, le Venator-X est le masque sur lequel vous pouvez compter quelles que soient les conditions météorologiques ou aquatiques.

Un moule exclusif développé en collaboration avec le principal nageur professionnel Ironman Josh Amberger. Il s'agit des lunettes d'entraînement de choix de Josh alors qu'il se prépare à remporter la première distinction hors de l'eau à Kona pour la troisième année consécutive.


Viper-Speed : Pour la vitesse et le confort

Disponible en citron vert/noir et turquoise/bleu. Les Zone3 Viper-Speed ​​sont tout nouveaux dans la gamme de lunettes Zone3. Si vous recherchez un masque performant doté d'un design hydrodynamique à profil bas, ce masque est fait pour vous ! Fabriqués à partir de silicone de qualité supérieure, ils assurent un maximum de confort et de durabilité lors d’une utilisation régulière. Un système de boucle arrière ultraFAST quickFIT a été développé, ce qui les rend idéales pour l'entraînement et la course.


Aspect : Pour la natation en eau libre et en piscine

Nouveauté 2020 donnant un tout nouvel ASPECT à votre baignade. Le meilleur compromis entre un masque Open Water et Pool qui fonctionne à merveille dans toutes les conditions. Pour le rendre encore meilleur, ces lunettes sont disponibles en 9 options de verres différentes et sont donc parfaites pour toutes les conditions. Les caractéristiques incluent des objectifs LUCID, une sangle QuickFIT et des objectifs larges HORIZON.


Apollo : Pour la natation en eau libre et en piscine

    Disponible en blanc avec verres bleus ou argent avec verres fumés. Les lunettes Apollo sont élégantes, de conception hydrodynamique et permettent de nager en intérieur et en extérieur grâce à leurs options de lentilles de fabrication italienne. Donc, si vous recherchez des lunettes d'intérieur qui vous aideront à éclaircir les conditions de faible luminosité, choisissez les lunettes Apollo blanches avec verres bleus. Tandis que les lunettes Silver Apollo avec verres fumés protégeront les yeux dans des conditions plus lumineuses. Ils cachent également les yeux pour une nage plus ciblée, que vous soyez en course ou en entraînement en groupe.


    Attaque : Pour la natation en eau libre et en piscine

      Les lunettes polarisées Attack ont ​​été conçues pour chaque baignade. Que ce soit dans la piscine ou en eau libre, ils conviennent aux conditions de lumière faible et vive tout en offrant une lentille réfléchissante afin que vous puissiez rester concentré et éviter tout contact visuel pendant les baignades en groupe ou les entraînements. Ils disposent également d'une lentille incurvée pour une vision périphérique optimale tout en conservant un design élégant et discret. Découvrez les lunettes Attack avec verres photochromatiques Si vous aimez le son des lunettes Attack avec leurs verres incurvés et leur visibilité optimisée et que vous aimez la natation en eau libre ou en plein air, vous adorerez les lunettes photochromatiques innovantes Grey/Black Attack ; Grâce à un colorant photochromatique breveté, les verres s'éclaircissent ou s'assombrissent automatiquement lorsqu'ils sont exposés aux rayons UV. Ainsi, quelles que soient les conditions au départ, ces lunettes adapteront leur teinte en conséquence et vous assureront une protection optimale et une visibilité ultime jusqu'à l'arrivée.


      Vision Max : Pour l'eau libre

        Si vous recherchez une visibilité panoramique et un confort optimal, vous allez adorer les lunettes Zone3 Vision Max. Ils offrent une vision panoramique à 190 degrés, une lentille incurvée unique et un masque à profil bas pour réduire la traînée et une lentille bleu clair pour une visibilité optimisée en eau libre. Lunettes d'eau libre idéales pour les nageurs à la recherche d'une forme et d'une étanchéité alternatives ; les lunettes Vision Max aspirent plus loin de l'orbite de l'œil et ont un joint plus large qui se fixe à l'arête du nez.


        Volare : Pour la performance et la course

          Disponible en vert avec des verres essence et en rouge avec des verres miroir argentés. Les lunettes Volare primées sont des machines de course vertes et méchantes avec des verres miroir essence et un design ultra discret. Malgré leur conception compacte, discrète et hydrodynamique conçue pour l'action, ils offrent une visibilité, un confort et une personnalisation fantastiques ; Ils sont dotés d'un double serre-tête réglable et de nez interchangeables pour garantir le meilleur ajustement sans fuite. En 2017, ils ont remporté le prix « Best on Test » du magazine 220 Triathlon avec une note de 92 %. En 2018, ils ont déjà remporté le prix « Best in Class » du magazine Triathlete. Donc, si vous recherchez la performance, les Volares sont des gagnants.


          Vapeur : Pour le style et le confort

            Les Vapor sont les lunettes les plus vendues de Zone3 ; primé en termes de design et ultime en termes de visibilité et de protection complètes. Disponibles en or métallisé, argent et bleu, ils sont dotés d'une technologie de verres incurvés pour une vision optimale, de verres polarisés adaptés à la natation intérieure et extérieure et de bretelles réglables pour un confort maximal. Elles sont parfaites pour le nageur qui aime mélanger les choses sans avoir besoin de changer de lunettes. Découvrez les lunettes Vapor signature de Tim Don, un design en édition limitée, avec la signature de Tim Don sur le côté des lunettes, les Tim Don Vapors sont un incontournable pour tout triathlète inspiré par son histoire.


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            Speed. Flexibility. Comfort 🚴‍♂️ The Activate+ Trisuit is built for triathletes with speed, flexibility, and comfort and race-ready performance in mind. Made with 100% recycled performance fabrics, it delivers breathability, precision fit, and targeted support for every stage of the race. 🔹 Lightweight, high-stretch fabric for unrestricted movement 🌬️ Breathable mesh back to keep you cool under pressure 🚴 Tri-Lite pad for comfort and support in the saddle 🔒 Silicone leg grippers to keep everything locked in place ⚡ Quick-drying materials to transition seamlessly from swim to bike 💪 Available in short sleeve and sleeveless
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            Speed. Flexibility. Comfort 🚴‍♂️ The Activate+ Trisuit is built for triathletes with speed, flexibility, and comfort and race-ready performance in mind. Made with 100% recycled performance fabrics, it delivers breathability, precision fit, and targeted support for every stage of the race. 🔹 Lightweight, high-stretch fabric for unrestricted movement 🌬️ Breathable mesh back to keep you cool under pressure 🚴 Tri-Lite pad for comfort and support in the saddle 🔒 Silicone leg grippers to keep everything locked in place ⚡ Quick-drying materials to transition seamlessly from swim to bike 💪 Available in short sleeve and sleeveless
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            Speed. Flexibility. Comfort 🚴‍♂️ The Activate+ Trisuit is built for triathletes with speed, flexibility, and comfort and race-ready performance in mind. Made with 100% recycled performance fabrics, it delivers breathability, precision fit, and targeted support for every stage of the race. 🔹 Lightweight, high-stretch fabric for unrestricted movement 🌬️ Breathable mesh back to keep you cool under pressure 🚴 Tri-Lite pad for comfort and support in the saddle 🔒 Silicone leg grippers to keep everything locked in place ⚡ Quick-drying materials to transition seamlessly from swim to bike 💪 Available in short sleeve and sleeveless
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            Speed. Flexibility. Comfort 🚴‍♂️ The Activate+ Trisuit is built for triathletes with speed, flexibility, and comfort and race-ready performance in mind. Made with 100% recycled performance fabrics, it delivers breathability, precision fit, and targeted support for every stage of the race. 🔹 Lightweight, high-stretch fabric for unrestricted movement 🌬️ Breathable mesh back to keep you cool under pressure 🚴 Tri-Lite pad for comfort and support in the saddle 🔒 Silicone leg grippers to keep everything locked in place ⚡ Quick-drying materials to transition seamlessly from swim to bike 💪 Available in short sleeve and sleeveless
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            Speed. Flexibility. Comfort 🚴‍♂️ The Activate+ Trisuit is built for triathletes with speed, flexibility, and comfort and race-ready performance in mind. Made with 100% recycled performance fabrics, it delivers breathability, precision fit, and targeted support for every stage of the race. 🔹 Lightweight, high-stretch fabric for unrestricted movement 🌬️ Breathable mesh back to keep you cool under pressure 🚴 Tri-Lite pad for comfort and support in the saddle 🔒 Silicone leg grippers to keep everything locked in place ⚡ Quick-drying materials to transition seamlessly from swim to bike 💪 Available in short sleeve and sleeveless
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            Speed. Flexibility. Comfort 🚴‍♂️ The Activate+ Trisuit is built for triathletes with speed, flexibility, and comfort and race-ready performance in mind. Made with 100% recycled performance fabrics, it delivers breathability, precision fit, and targeted support for every stage of the race. 🔹 Lightweight, high-stretch fabric for unrestricted movement 🌬️ Breathable mesh back to keep you cool under pressure 🚴 Tri-Lite pad for comfort and support in the saddle 🔒 Silicone leg grippers to keep everything locked in place ⚡ Quick-drying materials to transition seamlessly from swim to bike 💪 Available in short sleeve and sleeveless
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            🚴‍♂️ Unstoppable performance starts here. The all-new Activate+ Trisuit is designed for speed, flexibility, and comfort. With lightweight, high-stretch fabrics and a breathable mesh back, it keeps you cool and agile through every stage of your triathlon. Whether you’re chasing a PB or pushing past your limits, the Activate+ trisuit moves with you, keeping you cool, comfortable, and competition-ready. Search ‘Activate+’ at ZONE3.com
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            Meet the Active Flex Wetsuit, Built for Movement, Made for Adventure 🌊🏄‍♂️🏊‍♀️ Designed for unrestricted movement and all-day comfort, the Active Flex wetsuit is your go-to for swimming, surfing, SUP, and everything in between. Why you’ll love it: 🌊 Next-level flexibility – Perfect for swimming, paddling into waves, or cruising on a paddleboard. 🏊‍♀️ Breaststroke-friendly design – Thinner neoprene in the legs allows for a natural, unrestricted kick. 💚 Eco-conscious warmth – Yulex® plant-based natural rubber in the chest panel provides insulation with a lower environmental impact. Swim, surf, move without limits. Search ‘Active Flex’ now at ZONE3.com.
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            Meet the Active Flex Wetsuit, Built for Movement, Made for Adventure 🌊🏄‍♂️🏊‍♀️ Designed for unrestricted movement and all-day comfort, the Active Flex wetsuit is your go-to for swimming, surfing, SUP, and everything in between. Why you’ll love it: 🌊 Next-level flexibility – Perfect for swimming, paddling into waves, or cruising on a paddleboard. 🏊‍♀️ Breaststroke-friendly design – Thinner neoprene in the legs allows for a natural, unrestricted kick. 💚 Eco-conscious warmth – Yulex® plant-based natural rubber in the chest panel provides insulation with a lower environmental impact. Swim, surf, move without limits. Search ‘Active Flex’ now at ZONE3.com.
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            Meet the Active Flex Wetsuit, Built for Movement, Made for Adventure 🌊🏄‍♂️🏊‍♀️ Designed for unrestricted movement and all-day comfort, the Active Flex wetsuit is your go-to for swimming, surfing, SUP, and everything in between. Why you’ll love it: 🌊 Next-level flexibility – Perfect for swimming, paddling into waves, or cruising on a paddleboard. 🏊‍♀️ Breaststroke-friendly design – Thinner neoprene in the legs allows for a natural, unrestricted kick. 💚 Eco-conscious warmth – Yulex® plant-based natural rubber in the chest panel provides insulation with a lower environmental impact. Swim, surf, move without limits. Search ‘Active Flex’ now at ZONE3.com.
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            Meet the Active Flex Wetsuit, Built for Movement, Made for Adventure 🌊🏄‍♂️🏊‍♀️ Designed for unrestricted movement and all-day comfort, the Active Flex wetsuit is your go-to for swimming, surfing, SUP, and everything in between. Why you’ll love it: 🌊 Next-level flexibility – Perfect for swimming, paddling into waves, or cruising on a paddleboard. 🏊‍♀️ Breaststroke-friendly design – Thinner neoprene in the legs allows for a natural, unrestricted kick. 💚 Eco-conscious warmth – Yulex® plant-based natural rubber in the chest panel provides insulation with a lower environmental impact. Swim, surf, move without limits. Search ‘Active Flex’ now at ZONE3.com.
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            Meet the Active Flex Wetsuit, Built for Movement, Made for Adventure 🌊🏄‍♂️🏊‍♀️ Designed for unrestricted movement and all-day comfort, the Active Flex wetsuit is your go-to for swimming, surfing, SUP, and everything in between. Why you’ll love it: 🌊 Next-level flexibility – Perfect for swimming, paddling into waves, or cruising on a paddleboard. 🏊‍♀️ Breaststroke-friendly design – Thinner neoprene in the legs allows for a natural, unrestricted kick. 💚 Eco-conscious warmth – Yulex® plant-based natural rubber in the chest panel provides insulation with a lower environmental impact. Swim, surf, move without limits. Search ‘Active Flex’ now at ZONE3.com.
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            Cold swims or chilly race mornings, this is the changing robe you won’t want to be without. 🌊🔥 Designed for warmth, comfort, and effortless outfit changes after swimming, our changing robes are built to keep you dry and ready for whatever comes next. And with recycled materials, it’s as kind to the planet as it is to your post-swim recovery. ✅ Wind & rain resistant - without the bulk ✅ Ultra-warm thermal lining for instant cosiness ✅ Breathable & designed for quick changes ✅ Sustainable, stylish, and swimmer-approved Ready for your next open water swim? Stay warm, get ready, and take on the elements. Search 'changing robe' at ZONE3.com now from £59!
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            Cold swims or chilly race mornings, this is the changing robe you won’t want to be without. 🌊🔥 Designed for warmth, comfort, and effortless outfit changes after swimming, our changing robes are built to keep you dry and ready for whatever comes next. And with recycled materials, it’s as kind to the planet as it is to your post-swim recovery. ✅ Wind & rain resistant - without the bulk ✅ Ultra-warm thermal lining for instant cosiness ✅ Breathable & designed for quick changes ✅ Sustainable, stylish, and swimmer-approved Ready for your next open water swim? Stay warm, get ready, and take on the elements. Search 'changing robe' at ZONE3.com now from £59!
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            Cold swims or chilly race mornings, this is the changing robe you won’t want to be without. 🌊🔥 Designed for warmth, comfort, and effortless outfit changes after swimming, our changing robes are built to keep you dry and ready for whatever comes next. And with recycled materials, it’s as kind to the planet as it is to your post-swim recovery. ✅ Wind & rain resistant - without the bulk ✅ Ultra-warm thermal lining for instant cosiness ✅ Breathable & designed for quick changes ✅ Sustainable, stylish, and swimmer-approved Ready for your next open water swim? Stay warm, get ready, and take on the elements. Search 'changing robe' at ZONE3.com now from £59!
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            Cold swims or chilly race mornings, this is the changing robe you won’t want to be without. 🌊🔥 Designed for warmth, comfort, and effortless outfit changes after swimming, our changing robes are built to keep you dry and ready for whatever comes next. And with recycled materials, it’s as kind to the planet as it is to your post-swim recovery. ✅ Wind & rain resistant - without the bulk ✅ Ultra-warm thermal lining for instant cosiness ✅ Breathable & designed for quick changes ✅ Sustainable, stylish, and swimmer-approved Ready for your next open water swim? Stay warm, get ready, and take on the elements. Search 'changing robe' at ZONE3.com now from £59!
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            At ZONE3, we believe in the power of community, both in and out of the water. Our passion for performance extends beyond swimming, it includes protecting the very environments that inspire us. That's why we've joined the fight for cleaner oceans 🌊 Our partnership with @surfersagainstsewage and joining their Ocean Network is our commitment to sustainability and a great way to take action against plastic pollution and support cleaner, healthier oceans. But we know that real change happens through action. That’s why we’re getting involved with more Beach Cleans again this year. It's events like this bring our community together, proving that small efforts can create a big impact. 👉 Tap the link in our bio to find out more about Surfers Against Sewage and how you can help too. 📸 Image 3 credit: Carys Griffiths Photography
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            At ZONE3, we believe in the power of community, both in and out of the water. Our passion for performance extends beyond swimming, it includes protecting the very environments that inspire us. That's why we've joined the fight for cleaner oceans 🌊 Our partnership with @surfersagainstsewage and joining their Ocean Network is our commitment to sustainability and a great way to take action against plastic pollution and support cleaner, healthier oceans. But we know that real change happens through action. That’s why we’re getting involved with more Beach Cleans again this year. It's events like this bring our community together, proving that small efforts can create a big impact. 👉 Tap the link in our bio to find out more about Surfers Against Sewage and how you can help too. 📸 Image 3 credit: Carys Griffiths Photography
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            At ZONE3, we believe in the power of community, both in and out of the water. Our passion for performance extends beyond swimming, it includes protecting the very environments that inspire us. That's why we've joined the fight for cleaner oceans 🌊 Our partnership with @surfersagainstsewage and joining their Ocean Network is our commitment to sustainability and a great way to take action against plastic pollution and support cleaner, healthier oceans. But we know that real change happens through action. That’s why we’re getting involved with more Beach Cleans again this year. It's events like this bring our community together, proving that small efforts can create a big impact. 👉 Tap the link in our bio to find out more about Surfers Against Sewage and how you can help too. 📸 Image 3 credit: Carys Griffiths Photography
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            Introducing the ZONE3 Swim Goggle Subscription – the easiest way to keep your swim clear and uninterrupted. Choose your frequency: every 3, 6, or 12 months - and we’ll take care of the rest! 👉 Free delivery on every recurring order 👉 Exclusive subscriber savings 👉 Flexibility to pause, swap, or cancel anytime Enjoy the convenience of having top-quality pool and open water swim goggles delivered to your door, exactly when you need them.
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            Introducing the ZONE3 Swim Goggle Subscription – the easiest way to keep your swim clear and uninterrupted. Choose your frequency: every 3, 6, or 12 months - and we’ll take care of the rest! 👉 Free delivery on every recurring order 👉 Exclusive subscriber savings 👉 Flexibility to pause, swap, or cancel anytime Enjoy the convenience of having top-quality pool and open water swim goggles delivered to your door, exactly when you need them.
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            Introducing the ZONE3 Swim Goggle Subscription – the easiest way to keep your swim clear and uninterrupted. Choose your frequency: every 3, 6, or 12 months - and we’ll take care of the rest! 👉 Free delivery on every recurring order 👉 Exclusive subscriber savings 👉 Flexibility to pause, swap, or cancel anytime Enjoy the convenience of having top-quality pool and open water swim goggles delivered to your door, exactly when you need them.
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            Introducing the ZONE3 Swim Goggle Subscription – the easiest way to keep your swim clear and uninterrupted. Choose your frequency: every 3, 6, or 12 months - and we’ll take care of the rest! 👉 Free delivery on every recurring order 👉 Exclusive subscriber savings 👉 Flexibility to pause, swap, or cancel anytime Enjoy the convenience of having top-quality pool and open water swim goggles delivered to your door, exactly when you need them.
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            Introducing the ZONE3 Swim Goggle Subscription – the easiest way to keep your swim clear and uninterrupted. Choose your frequency: every 3, 6, or 12 months - and we’ll take care of the rest! 👉 Free delivery on every recurring order 👉 Exclusive subscriber savings 👉 Flexibility to pause, swap, or cancel anytime Enjoy the convenience of having top-quality pool and open water swim goggles delivered to your door, exactly when you need them.
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            Innovation starts long before we hit the water. 💡🌊♻️ From hand-drawn sketches to material swatches, every detail of our new Yulex® Swimwear range is crafted for versatility in the water, with a lighter impact on the planet. ✔️ Engineered for warmth & comfort ✔️ Sustainably made with Yulex® natural rubber ✔️ Designed to perform - tested by athletes This is more than swimwear, it’s our commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and a better future for our sport. 🏊‍♂️ #bts #behindthescenes #designwork #BeyondBoundaries #Zone3 #AthleteApproved #SustainablePerformance #Yulex #Innovation
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            Innovation starts long before we hit the water. 💡🌊♻️ From hand-drawn sketches to material swatches, every detail of our new Yulex® Swimwear range is crafted for versatility in the water, with a lighter impact on the planet. ✔️ Engineered for warmth & comfort ✔️ Sustainably made with Yulex® natural rubber ✔️ Designed to perform - tested by athletes This is more than swimwear, it’s our commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and a better future for our sport. 🏊‍♂️ #bts #behindthescenes #designwork #BeyondBoundaries #Zone3 #AthleteApproved #SustainablePerformance #Yulex #Innovation
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            Innovation starts long before we hit the water. 💡🌊♻️ From hand-drawn sketches to material swatches, every detail of our new Yulex® Swimwear range is crafted for versatility in the water, with a lighter impact on the planet. ✔️ Engineered for warmth & comfort ✔️ Sustainably made with Yulex® natural rubber ✔️ Designed to perform - tested by athletes This is more than swimwear, it’s our commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and a better future for our sport. 🏊‍♂️ #bts #behindthescenes #designwork #BeyondBoundaries #Zone3 #AthleteApproved #SustainablePerformance #Yulex #Innovation
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            Innovation starts long before we hit the water. 💡🌊♻️ From hand-drawn sketches to material swatches, every detail of our new Yulex® Swimwear range is crafted for versatility in the water, with a lighter impact on the planet. ✔️ Engineered for warmth & comfort ✔️ Sustainably made with Yulex® natural rubber ✔️ Designed to perform - tested by athletes This is more than swimwear, it’s our commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and a better future for our sport. 🏊‍♂️ #bts #behindthescenes #designwork #BeyondBoundaries #Zone3 #AthleteApproved #SustainablePerformance #Yulex #Innovation
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            Innovation starts long before we hit the water. 💡🌊♻️ From hand-drawn sketches to material swatches, every detail of our new Yulex® Swimwear range is crafted for versatility in the water, with a lighter impact on the planet. ✔️ Engineered for warmth & comfort ✔️ Sustainably made with Yulex® natural rubber ✔️ Designed to perform - tested by athletes This is more than swimwear, it’s our commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and a better future for our sport. 🏊‍♂️ #bts #behindthescenes #designwork #BeyondBoundaries #Zone3 #AthleteApproved #SustainablePerformance #Yulex #Innovation
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            Innovation starts long before we hit the water. 💡🌊♻️ From hand-drawn sketches to material swatches, every detail of our new Yulex® Swimwear range is crafted for versatility in the water, with a lighter impact on the planet. ✔️ Engineered for warmth & comfort ✔️ Sustainably made with Yulex® natural rubber ✔️ Designed to perform - tested by athletes This is more than swimwear, it’s our commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and a better future for our sport. 🏊‍♂️ #bts #behindthescenes #designwork #BeyondBoundaries #Zone3 #AthleteApproved #SustainablePerformance #Yulex #Innovation
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            Innovation starts long before we hit the water. 💡🌊♻️ From hand-drawn sketches to material swatches, every detail of our new Yulex® Swimwear range is crafted for versatility in the water, with a lighter impact on the planet. ✔️ Engineered for warmth & comfort ✔️ Sustainably made with Yulex® natural rubber ✔️ Designed to perform - tested by athletes This is more than swimwear, it’s our commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and a better future for our sport. 🏊‍♂️ #bts #behindthescenes #designwork #BeyondBoundaries #Zone3 #AthleteApproved #SustainablePerformance #Yulex #Innovation
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            Innovation starts long before we hit the water. 💡🌊♻️ From hand-drawn sketches to material swatches, every detail of our new Yulex® Swimwear range is crafted for versatility in the water, with a lighter impact on the planet. ✔️ Engineered for warmth & comfort ✔️ Sustainably made with Yulex® natural rubber ✔️ Designed to perform - tested by athletes This is more than swimwear, it’s our commitment to innovation, inclusivity, and a better future for our sport. 🏊‍♂️ #bts #behindthescenes #designwork #BeyondBoundaries #Zone3 #AthleteApproved #SustainablePerformance #Yulex #Innovation
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            Say hello to ZONE3's NEW Yulex® Swimwear. Delivering warmth, flexibility and innovation! Why we think you'll love it: 💚 Yulex® Natural Rubber is an earth-conscious, plant-based alternative to traditional neoprene that significantly reduces the environmental impact. 🏊‍♀️ Our swimwear is 1.5mm thick, providing warmth and protection while maintaining freedom of movement in the water. ♻️ The inner and outer linings are 100% Recycled Polyester Fabric making our swimwear durable and sustainable. You spoke, we listened: 🌊 We've updated the front zip on the long sleeve and sleeveless swimsuits making them easier to get in and out of 🌊 We've updated the cut to offer more coverage Search 'Yulex Swimwear' at ZONE3.com #zone3official #swimming #ColdWaterSwimming #openwaterswimming #yulex
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            Say hello to ZONE3's NEW Yulex® Swimwear. Delivering warmth, flexibility and innovation! Why we think you'll love it: 💚 Yulex® Natural Rubber is an earth-conscious, plant-based alternative to traditional neoprene that significantly reduces the environmental impact. 🏊‍♀️ Our swimwear is 1.5mm thick, providing warmth and protection while maintaining freedom of movement in the water. ♻️ The inner and outer linings are 100% Recycled Polyester Fabric making our swimwear durable and sustainable. You spoke, we listened: 🌊 We've updated the front zip on the long sleeve and sleeveless swimsuits making them easier to get in and out of 🌊 We've updated the cut to offer more coverage Search 'Yulex Swimwear' at ZONE3.com #zone3official #swimming #ColdWaterSwimming #openwaterswimming #yulex
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            Say hello to ZONE3's NEW Yulex® Swimwear. Delivering warmth, flexibility and innovation! Why we think you'll love it: 💚 Yulex® Natural Rubber is an earth-conscious, plant-based alternative to traditional neoprene that significantly reduces the environmental impact. 🏊‍♀️ Our swimwear is 1.5mm thick, providing warmth and protection while maintaining freedom of movement in the water. ♻️ The inner and outer linings are 100% Recycled Polyester Fabric making our swimwear durable and sustainable. You spoke, we listened: 🌊 We've updated the front zip on the long sleeve and sleeveless swimsuits making them easier to get in and out of 🌊 We've updated the cut to offer more coverage Search 'Yulex Swimwear' at ZONE3.com #zone3official #swimming #ColdWaterSwimming #openwaterswimming #yulex
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            Say hello to ZONE3's NEW Yulex® Swimwear. Delivering warmth, flexibility and innovation! Why we think you'll love it: 💚 Yulex® Natural Rubber is an earth-conscious, plant-based alternative to traditional neoprene that significantly reduces the environmental impact. 🏊‍♀️ Our swimwear is 1.5mm thick, providing warmth and protection while maintaining freedom of movement in the water. ♻️ The inner and outer linings are 100% Recycled Polyester Fabric making our swimwear durable and sustainable. You spoke, we listened: 🌊 We've updated the front zip on the long sleeve and sleeveless swimsuits making them easier to get in and out of 🌊 We've updated the cut to offer more coverage Search 'Yulex Swimwear' at ZONE3.com #zone3official #swimming #ColdWaterSwimming #openwaterswimming #yulex
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            Say hello to ZONE3's NEW Yulex® Swimwear. Delivering warmth, flexibility and innovation! Why we think you'll love it: 💚 Yulex® Natural Rubber is an earth-conscious, plant-based alternative to traditional neoprene that significantly reduces the environmental impact. 🏊‍♀️ Our swimwear is 1.5mm thick, providing warmth and protection while maintaining freedom of movement in the water. ♻️ The inner and outer linings are 100% Recycled Polyester Fabric making our swimwear durable and sustainable. You spoke, we listened: 🌊 We've updated the front zip on the long sleeve and sleeveless swimsuits making them easier to get in and out of 🌊 We've updated the cut to offer more coverage Search 'Yulex Swimwear' at ZONE3.com #zone3official #swimming #ColdWaterSwimming #openwaterswimming #yulex
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            Entries are selling fast for the Arla Great North Swim in June! @zone3official takes you through what to wear when swimming in the open water. From swimwear and baselayers to wetsuits and tow floats – get to know what is best to wear for your swim! DYK 👉 Wetsuit use is optional at all @great_swim events for water temperatures of 15°C or above. 👉 Swimmers choosing not to wear a wetsuit MUST use an approved high visibility tow float. 👉 Swimmers aged under 16 will be required to wear a wetsuit. Join now at greatswim.org 🏊‍♂️ #arlagreatnorthswim #greatnorthswim #windermere #lakedistrict #zone3 #swimming #openwaterswimming #wetsuit
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            New year, new goals 🏊‍♂️ 🚲 🏃‍♂️ Whether you’re chasing a podium finish, training for your first triathlon or fine-tuning your technique, this year’s journey begins with ZONE3. What are your goals for the year ahead?
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            New year, new goals 🏊‍♂️ 🚲 🏃‍♂️ Whether you’re chasing a podium finish, training for your first triathlon or fine-tuning your technique, this year’s journey begins with ZONE3. What are your goals for the year ahead?
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            New year, new goals 🏊‍♂️ 🚲 🏃‍♂️ Whether you’re chasing a podium finish, training for your first triathlon or fine-tuning your technique, this year’s journey begins with ZONE3. What are your goals for the year ahead?
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            New year, new goals 🏊‍♂️ 🚲 🏃‍♂️ Whether you’re chasing a podium finish, training for your first triathlon or fine-tuning your technique, this year’s journey begins with ZONE3. What are your goals for the year ahead?
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            Want to swim without getting tired? It’s all about breathing and technique… 1️⃣ Stay Streamlined Keep your body flat and straight, with a slight rotation with each stroke. Engage your core and don’t look up - this will stop your legs from sinking. 2️⃣ Breathe Smoothly Stick to a steady breathing rhythm—breathe every 2-3 strokes or switch sides every 3 if that works. Control your exhale underwater, so you can inhale when you turn to breath. 3️⃣ Relax Your Strokes Don’t fight the water—stretch your arms out, glide, then pull. Keep it long and smooth to save energy. 4️⃣ Kick Efficiently Use small, gentle flutter kicks to stay balanced. A 2-beat kick (one kick per arm stroke) is great for long swims. 5️⃣ Master Your Pull Keep your elbows high for a strong catch and pull the water back with your forearms and hands. You want to feel the water’s pressure against your arm and hand for a powerful stroke. 6️⃣ Build Endurance Gradually Add interval training to your swim sessions to build endurance: swim 50-100m, rest for 15-20 seconds, and repeat. Over time, reduce rest or swim further to build endurance. #swimbikerun #triathlontraining #swimming #triathlon #triathlete #zone3official
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            Do your legs often sink when you’re swimming? Did you know your head position and where you’re looking can affect your whole body alignment?! The simple way of describing it: Head & eyes up = legs down Head down & eyes forward = legs up Give a go next time you’re in the pool 🏊‍♀️
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            We'll go first: self-cleaning bike! #triathlon #invention #zone3official
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            Have you paid much attention to what you’re doing with your hands as they enter the water? Having a relaxed hand is best - not cupped but not too wide. This allows optimal force to push and pull the water! What do you do with your hands?
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            Level up your swim game with hand paddles 🏊‍♂️💪 Swim hand paddles are a game changer for building strength, improving technique, and adding power to your stroke. They give extra resistance in the water, helping to boost your upper body strength and nail the catch phase. When used correctly, they make your arms and shoulders stronger, and they also sharpen your feel for the water, refining your form and giving you that smooth, powerful glide. #swimming #triathlete #swimbikerun #Zone3official #triathlontraining #swimmingtips #poolswimming
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            Level up your swim game with hand paddles 🏊‍♂️💪 Swim hand paddles are a game changer for building strength, improving technique, and adding power to your stroke. They give extra resistance in the water, helping to boost your upper body strength and nail the catch phase. When used correctly, they make your arms and shoulders stronger, and they also sharpen your feel for the water, refining your form and giving you that smooth, powerful glide. #swimming #triathlete #swimbikerun #Zone3official #triathlontraining #swimmingtips #poolswimming
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            Level up your swim game with hand paddles 🏊‍♂️💪 Swim hand paddles are a game changer for building strength, improving technique, and adding power to your stroke. They give extra resistance in the water, helping to boost your upper body strength and nail the catch phase. When used correctly, they make your arms and shoulders stronger, and they also sharpen your feel for the water, refining your form and giving you that smooth, powerful glide. #swimming #triathlete #swimbikerun #Zone3official #triathlontraining #swimmingtips #poolswimming
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            Designed for both speed and comfort, the Vision wetsuit is a favourite with our triathletes and open water swimmers. With buoyancy panels for balance, super flexible shoulders for effortless strokes, and quick-release cuffs for speedy transitions, it’s built to perform. Plus it features a groundbreaking new material by Yamamoto which fully biodegrades (unlike regular neoprene) at the end of its life! #triathlete #Zone3official #triathlontraining #swimming #swimbikerun #openwaterswimming
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            Designed for both speed and comfort, the Vision wetsuit is a favourite with our triathletes and open water swimmers. With buoyancy panels for balance, super flexible shoulders for effortless strokes, and quick-release cuffs for speedy transitions, it’s built to perform. Plus it features a groundbreaking new material by Yamamoto which fully biodegrades (unlike regular neoprene) at the end of its life! #triathlete #Zone3official #triathlontraining #swimming #swimbikerun #openwaterswimming
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            Cold water, clear goals, and that unbeatable cold water high ❄️🌊 Open water swimming (especially in the colder months) isn’t just a challenge—it’s a mindset. The crisp air, cold water, and quiet determination are all part of the journey. Every stroke feels like progress, every chill like a reminder of how far you've come. Here’s to finishing the year strong and diving headfirst into the next with even bigger goals. 💪✨ Who else is braving the cold waters right now and chasing that open-water high? Let’s go! #ColdWaterSwimming #OpenWaterHigh #TriathlonTraining #ChasingGoals #triathlontraining #triathlete #Zone3official
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            Cold water, clear goals, and that unbeatable cold water high ❄️🌊 Open water swimming (especially in the colder months) isn’t just a challenge—it’s a mindset. The crisp air, cold water, and quiet determination are all part of the journey. Every stroke feels like progress, every chill like a reminder of how far you've come. Here’s to finishing the year strong and diving headfirst into the next with even bigger goals. 💪✨ Who else is braving the cold waters right now and chasing that open-water high? Let’s go! #ColdWaterSwimming #OpenWaterHigh #TriathlonTraining #ChasingGoals #triathlontraining #triathlete #Zone3official
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            Be honest, do you do these steps after each swim to keep your goggles in good condition? 1️⃣ Give Them a Rinse After each swim, rinse your goggles with fresh water to get rid of chlorine, salt, and grime. 2️⃣ Hands Off the Lenses Don’t touch or rub the inside of the lenses – it’ll help keep the anti-fog coating working properly. 3️⃣ Let Them Dry Naturally Leave your goggles to air dry completely before putting them away. 4️⃣ Store Them Safely Pop them in a protective case when you’re not using them to stop scratches on the lenses!
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            Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to newbies starting triathlon, with their first events next year? GO 👇 #tritraining #triathlete #Zone3official #swimmingtips #swimbikerun #swimming #triathlontraining #ows #openwaterswimming
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