triathlon experience to race day tips
I’m Vicky Holland and I have competed in 3 Olympic Games and 2 Commonwealth Games, winning gold, silver and bronze medals in the Commonwealths and a bronze at the Rio Olympics. I was also World Champion in 2018.
All that is to say that when it comes to triathlon, I consider myself a bit of an expert! So here are my top triathlon race day tips.

Plan your day
Plan your day the night before.
I always write a schedule of everything I need to do on race day starting from what time my alarm goes off and what time I will eat breakfast, to when I need to leave home/the hotel, to when I want to rack my bike, start my warm up and be down at the race start ready to go.
I usually do it on a note on my phone so I can keep looking back at it throughout the morning when I’m nervous and can’t remember which thing I am supposed to do next! If in doubt, leave a little extra time. You’d rather have 5 minutes spare here and there, than be rushing.
Write your goals down
Write your goals down in the days before the race.
If possible make these process goals rather than outcome goals. So rather than saying ‘my goal is to win’ a process goal could be finish with absolutely nothing left to give. Or it could be regarding staying calm in the swim if it gets a bit rough, being strict with your pacing on the bike or taking in nutrition at regular intervals.
These are the things you can control in the race and by writing them down, it’s easier to remember them in the moment when you are racing, rather than forgetting everything you are meant to do when the adrenaline is coursing through your veins. It’s also great to be able to look back on these goals post race and see if you achieved them.
Sometimes what may have felt a disappointing race at first can become something to be happy about and proud of when you realise you hit all or most of your process goals.
lube up!
Anti-chafe balm!
Sadly, triathlon isn’t always the most glamorous and the last thing you want is chaffing and rubbing, so I thoroughly recommend using something to avoid this.
Chafe is not only painful and distracting during the race, but can be for days afterwards too.
Remember you're doing this for fun
Try to have fun!
It might feel daunting and nerve wracking but if you don’t enjoy it then what is the point? It really is meant to be fun.
Even if it your primary objective is for the pride and satisfaction of completing a big physical challenge, you should still be able to embrace the fun parts.
Toilet roll
Bring toilet roll.
What was it I said about triathlon not being very glamorous? Often race venues don’t have access to proper, plumbed toilets and porter loos are notorious for running out of toilet roll so I would always advise bringing your own!